~[[[Licana (リカーナ)|日本語(Japanese)]]~] ~[[[index.txt|Creole]]~] = Licana = **Licana** is a **[[http://wikicreole.org|Wiki Creole]]** text to HTML converter tool. It supports text formatting rules [[WikiCreole:Creole1.0|Creole 1.0]] and [[WikiCreole:CreoleAdditions|Creole Additions]]. It searches files to be converted recursively over directories, and convert the files by single operation. You can use Licana to write static web document trees. == License == Licana is under **GNU GPLv3+** license. Copyright (c) 2019 Kashiko Koibumi (BM-NBk7BXQx8AiCpUCLWzgovcpGf93shKN1) == How to build == You can find the source code from https://gitlab.com/kashiko/licana-gnat/ . Licana is written in **Ada 2012**. Use **GNAT** to build it. **GNATCOLL** is also needed. Run gprbuild in the project directory, and executable file obj/licana will be created. Copy the file to anywhere you like, and use it by invoking as command. Licana is tested to work on GNU/Linux. == How to use == Licana generates converted HTML files which have extension ".html" from each corresponding text files which have extension ".txt" in directories under an origin directory. The origin directory is a directory which has the configuration file licana.conf . Conversion is performed only when the HTML file corresponding to a text file does not exist, or when the text file is newer than the HTML file, or when the configuration file is newer than the HTML file. When --force (or -f) option is specified, all text files are converted to HTML files, ignoring above conditions. First, in a current directory as origin directory, run **licana init** and the default configuration file licana.conf (and simultaneously default style sheet style.css) will be generated in the directory. Then, simply run **licana** and conversion will be performed recursively from the origin directory as described above. Even if you run licana from a deeper directory than the origin directory, Licana goes up to the origin directory and then perform conversion recursively from there. When --verbose (or -v) option is specified, Licana outputs slightly detailed working logs. == Configurations == Behavior configurations are done by editing licana.conf by a text editor. === Conversion configurations === When **Embedded** (default is False) is True, Licana does not output HTML headers and footers. This option is used to embed the output in other HTML files. You can specify the style sheet URL in **Style_Sheet_URL** (default is style.css). When **Tilde_Escape_In_Headings_Enabled** (default is False) is True, tilde escaping can be used in headings. When **Additions_Enabled** (default is False) is True, [[WikiCreole:CreoleAdditions|Creole Additions]] (for blocks) can be used. You can specify the style or the class for indented paragraphs in [[WikiCreole:CreoleAdditions|Creole Additions]] in **Indent_Style** (default is class="indent"). When **Heading_Anchors_Enabled** (default is False) is True, anchors are generated for each headings. === Format configurations === When **Null_Contents_Enabled** (default is False) is True, text formatting rules are applied even if converted result in HTML is invisible. You can specify the schemes which are recognized as part of URLs in **URL_Schemes** (default is http,ftp,https,file). When **Additions_Enabled** (default is False) is True, [[WikiCreole:CreoleAdditions|Creole Additions]] (in paragraphs) can be used. When **MathJax_Enabled** (default is False) is True, [[https://mathjax.org/|MathJax]] can be used. When **URL_Fragment_Prefix_Omission_Enabled** (default is False) is True, # is omitted to show in bracket links for anchors.